“What better pleasure is there in this world than to cook for others and then eat with them? Food, like life, is best shared with friends and loved ones”

Check out the latest recipes below

Omar Allibhoy Omar Allibhoy

Tocinillo de cielo

A delicious baked egg yolk and caramel dessert. Tocinillo de cielo translates as ‘fat from heaven” and let me tell you: it is indulgent!

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Omar Allibhoy Omar Allibhoy

Spanish Quince jelly | Membrillo

My family has a house in the mountains near Madrid and it is where we all congregate every Christmas. We are completely spoiled in that you only have to walk out of the house to come across wonderful natural ingredients: mushrooms, asparagus, thistles, game, fish, nuts, wild fruits and berries.

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