Picota cherries tart tatin

Photography by Costas Millas www.madebymrmillas.com


  • 500g Picota cherries

    150g caster sugar

    50g butter

    1 pinch cinnamon powder

    20ml apple cider vinegar

    1 sheet of puff pastry

  1. 1            Wash and pit the Picota cherries. Preheat the oven at 140 degrees Celsius with the fan on if your oven has it.


    2            Roll the puff pastry and pierce with a fork throughout to prevent it from puffing. With the help of the tatin or a plate the samesize as the tatincut out a perfect circle.



    3            Place a tatin (or a flame and oven proof pan) overmedium heat. Add the sugar and let it melt into a caramel. Add the butter and mix together before adding the cherries. Do not stir at all. Bring the heat down to low and cook for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with the cinnamon powder and drizzle the vinegar evenly throughout the pan.


    4            Place the pastry over the top of the pan and tuck in the edges just slightly. Place it in the oven and let it cook for 1 hour.


    5            Remove from the oven and with the help of a cloth, flip it into the serving plate.


    6            Serve with clotted cream or vanilla ice cream,

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