Pollo a la mostaza | Spanish chicken in mustard sauce

This is one of those dishes I promise you will continue to go back to. It’s full of flavour and differently to the French version, in Spain we do it without butter, with less mustard and less cream so definitely healthier and without a touch less of comfort and intensity.


  • 100ml extra virgin olive oil

  • 1.6kg  whole chicken, into 8 pieces

  • 1 Spanish onion, sliced

  • 300g closed cup mushrooms, whole

  • 1 head of garlic, cloves skin on

  • 1 pinch of black pepper

  • Salt to season

  • 1 shot of brandy

  • 1 glass of white wine

  • 700ml chicken stock

  • 2 tsp Dijon mustard

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 150ml single cream

  • 2 sprigs of fresh oregano

    AS A GARNISH (optional)

  • 400g new potatoes

  • 250g Sprouting broccoli

  1. On a wide casserole over high heat pour the extra virgin olive oil and add the seasoned chicken skin side down. Brown on all sides for about 15 minutes and set aside

  2. Add the onion, garlic, mushrooms and fry for 15 minutes or until well caramelised. Add the new potatoes, bay leaves, oregano and the chicken and flambe with the brandy and white wine. Pour the chicken stock, add the mustards, cover with parchment paper and let it simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

  3. Pour the cream and add the broccoli, give it a good stir and let it simmer for the final 5 minutes and its ready to be enjoyed. Salud

Chorizo ibérico (avg 450g)

Grilled marinated beef skirt with Argentinian chimichurri sauce on toast (Napoleon Grill)


Merluza a la romana con mahonesa | Fried battered hake with mayonaise