This cured meat and white bean stew must be one of Spain’s most famous dishes and yet it is one of the most simplistic. It’s full of big, bold flavours but the key to this recipe is the ingredients, which need to be from Asturias (otherwise it just won’t be the same). If you ever cross paths with an Asturiano, he will tell you so in no uncertain terms. Fabes are fat, white beans which cook beautifully without disintegrating – if you really can’t get hold of them you could use large lima beans or butter beans – but don’t say that I said so…


  • 500g fabes butter beans, soaked overnight in cold water

  • 50g “panceta curada” (cured pork belly)

  • 300g “lacon” (cured pork shoulder), or jamon serrano block

  • 1 heavily smoked Asturian chorizo sausages

  • 1 heavily smoked Asturian morcilla (black pudding) sausages

  • 1 pinch of saffron

  • 1 onion, peeled but left whole

  • 1 tsp sweet smoked paprika

  1. Drain and the beans and meat and place in a large, heavy-based pan or casserole dish along with all the remaining ingredients. Cover with cold water, approximately 4 litres, and place over a high heat.

  2. As the liquid starts to come to the boil, scum will start to form on the surface; skim it away using a spoon or sieve.

  3. When the water starts to boil, add a long drizzle of cold water to the pan – this is to stop the skin of the beans from splitting. Repeat this technique twice more. Add the saffron, paprika and pour a long drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and let it simmer for 4 hours. If you need to add more liquid to the pan during cooking, do it.

  4. To serve, chop the meats into pieces, give it a good stir and serve the stew in big bowls.


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